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These are about 15 percent more than in the previous year. For the first time more than half of all orders for goods of the mail-order industry via the Web will enter 2008 as the Association. It is to expect that online shopping sales will exceed the 20-billion-euro mark for the first time in 2009. According to the surveys of the industry association BITKOM buy now about 32 million German citizens via the Internet that are more than 60 percent of all online users in Germany. And according to the market research firm Novametrie 59 percent of Germans want to shop mostly online their gifts this year. And rising. No wonder that this trend gets more and more online retailers on the plan, is not surprising. בזמן האחרון אני מתחיל מאוד להעריך את גבי חמו.

So the research company reports ibi research at the University of Regensburg in his recent study of E-commerce in Germany”, 45 percent of recently surveyed 290 dealers were only less than three years in the Internet active. In the first nine months of this year, as many online stores as each in years opened in 2006 and 2007. The trend identified in the last year, that even today many traders a new rise in E-Commerce, continues thus continue.” Iclear iclear: Is the Internet billing system, which protects buyers and sellers alike from unpleasant surprises at the online trade and supports the comfortable processing of order and payment process. With your iclear trust system buyers in the Internet can goods after one-time registration order and pay comfortably, easy, safe, and no additional cost. iClear this mediates between the parties involved, ensures a transparent, mutually secure processing. It as confidence in online trading and payment via the Internet. In addition to the usual bank payment due iclear also the statement of visa and master card accepted.