One World One Ocean was able to convince with its innovative approach to clean the waters of plastic waste. “Located in the Pro seven initiated, category Galileo knowledge Prize” the GreenTec Awards prevailed One World One Ocean environmental initiative. Catamarans hanging nets they want to fish the plastic waste from the waters and then process in special tankers to oil. Plastic waste is a huge problem, which is constantly growing in waters. Swim in the world’s oceans gigantic carpets made of plastic waste. The biggest carpet of garbage floats in the Pacific Ocean and is as large as Europe. The waste comes in part from beaches, is the thoughtlessly discarded waste of vacationers to the part of ships. As a result, seabirds in plastic bags suffocate, seals eat the plastic because they keep it for feed, and starve to death.
Through the influence of wind and waves, the plastic parts that make up these carpets, are broken up into smaller and smaller pieces. So they end up in the stomachs of fish and in people, too. Plastic parts are now regularly found in the stomachs of sea animals. It is estimated that today between 100 and 150 million tons of rubbish in the world’s oceans swimming, mostly plastic waste. But not only the seas choke on the dirt, also rivers and lakes are always more cleaner. Apply here now wants One World One Ocean”.
This environmental initiative has designed different types of catamaran, with whose help the waters should be exempted from the garbage. The smallest yacht is the Lake Hamster 02, which weighs only 150 kg and is inflatable. It is intended as well as the Lake Hamster 01, of 500 kg weighs, for rivers and lakes, but also for the Mediterranean and the North and Baltic Sea. The Lake hamsters are stationary in the lake or are pulled through the water and collect the garbage in their networks, who will be brought ashore and processed. For Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the larger catamarans are Manatee”thought. To independently across the oceans drive and collect the garbage. The filled nets are, filed under Save the coordinates into the sea and made visible with buoys. Catamarans sea farmer”then collect these nets and bring them to the tankers, where the waste is processed into sulphur-free oil. In addition there is still the catamaran Seewolf”to crush the large plastic Islands and prepare for processing by the other catamarans. All of these catamarans and tankers to be powered by solar and wind technology using. As a vision of the future, ships at sea to the garbage processing tankers could fill up eco-friendly oil. That would be worth financially for shipowners, because less space would be needed for fuel supplies and thus more space for cargo available vacancy.