Raiffeisen KOKO

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vegasonic noise barrier for hotel Hohenlohe builds in Schwabisch Hall Hotel Hohenlohe in Schwabisch Hall takes structural measures to prevent noise-ridden guests with sleepless nights. The 4.50 metre high and a total 30 meters long noise KOKO WALL now holds the street noise of the B19. The hotel management of the ring Hotel Hohenlohe in Schwabisch Hall faced two problems in the restoration of an urban Villa: the stylish building, which in the future will serve as 2-star property for other hotel guests, is situated on the B19, one of the busiest main streets of Baden-Wurttemberg. Without a suitable noise protection, it is impossible to let guests stay here. In addition, that the plot itself has very little space. Somewhat closely, it is there already in the parking lot to the street – but here the need for protection against of noise is highest.

The solution: a wall with high noise factor and narrow width, the are still fits the environment. All that filled the plantable KOKO vegasonic, the strong brand of noise from the House of HERAS ADRONIT WALL. The KOKO WALL insulates the sound 30 DB and reduces flow rivers and wind speeds. Also, she absorbed the sound with 7 dB, so this is to and tossed, not between Street and wall but recorded by the cladding. The construction of the wall is simple, yet very effective: A non-visible, sound-absorbing steel plate is stuck between recycling plastic pipes, which are coated with natural coconut fibers.

This “sandwich”construction is kept protected by a galvanized steel frame and stable. Overall, the wall is just eight inches wide and takes up only minimum space – what needs the hotel Hohenlohe. Changed to occupy even less space than usual with the noise-protection wall, vegasonic in Schwabisch Hall extra the foundations of the wall. Square keep enough in the parking lot of the hotel to the shunting of cars with excellent noise protection. The KOKO WALL can quickly and simply be turfed with vines such as Ivy or wine. A proper planting and care, it is lush overgrown after a few growing seasons. Many municipalities in Germany are already in favour this approach: the community of Unterfohring, for example, confirmed the optical impression by the greening and the resulting improvement of air on the edge of a residential area. As the city of Essen, who had opted in 2010 due to the ease of the justification for KOKO WALLs along a busy stretch of expansion. The KOKO WALL at the hotel Hohenlohe is 4.50 high and 30 meters long. Enough to hold the noise from thousands of cars that pass daily on the main road next to the hotel. In February 2011, the KOKO vegasonic presents WALL for the first time in Schwabisch Hall before it was built within just a few days in May.