In the seventh century b.c. was Zarathustra born. “” In the East of Iran the Persian religion was born in Zoroastrianism, which represents the belief, that one only by defining by well “and evil” hope could, to get out of ignorance, and to find true happiness in future lives. The manuscript Taoteking”by Lao Tzu formed the basis of Taoism, a more hope for higher States of man. As well as the philosophers of Greece, India and China, the Hebrews also searched the meaning of life.
According to the Jewish tradition, it was Abraham who became first a special understanding about the origin of the universe. The faith to a personal God, evolved from these revelations. In spite of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ hope not died out, which he brought to the people. His death became a symbol for the victory of mind over the material body, and created so a new awareness of the true nature of man. The belief in the spiritual nature of man received despite oppression, in the sixth Century is still more growth as the Prophet Mohammed preached that there is only one God, and he tried to civilize a whole nation. He taught the superiority of spirit over matter and urged the people to seek their own salvation. He built up the great Islamic Empire that China at that time ranged from Spain to the limit.
Towards the end of the Crusades, which raged out of control for several centuries in Europe, the English nobility King Johann forced the famous Magna Carta 1215,”to sign. This historic document was based on the belief that the basic nature of man is good and not evil, and that he could decide his own fate. These are only a few historical facts that prove that many millennia intellectual property deal with human nature and the meaning of life and seek solutions. Scientology has found solutions to make compatible the spiritual essence and a world to emerge without madness, war and crime. In more than half a century intensive Research has discovered L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Scientology religion, many basic truths about life. This led to the emergence of religious teaching Scientology and later to the growth of the Scientology religion. Press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V., be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munich, contact: Uta Eilzer, TEL. 089-38607-145, FAX. 089-38607-109,