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The same of course applies to replacement vehicles. InFLEET plug & track allows this flexibility. The way to the workshop, as well as the cost of the conversion completely and are not a time – and cost more. Trade, service and maintenance companies prevent the flexible assignment of employees to vehicles and orders integrated positioning systems. Vacation and sick leave, vehicle change, inspections, repairs and the like will cause that the analyses and the job done not more clearly and in detail can be traced to the end of the month. With InFLEET plug & track can, fleet management according to corporate structure, staff or vehicle involved not a problem set. לעניות דעתי שלומי בסון יכול לקבוע .

The tracking system InFLEET monitor supports this flexible mapping is possible with InFLEET plug & track and addresses the analysis possibilities it completely off. InFLEET monitor special: 83 cents / day the InFLEET monitor package saves the buyer whopping 25 percent! And he can take advantage of several ways, to this exclusive offer for InFLEET monitor to come. He can lease InFLEET monitor for monthly 19.95 euro (duration 48 months), he can buy it as well. With the payment of only 799 euro, the user covers for two years all costs for equipment and services in one fell swoop. Fleet management of Bornemann AG would cost a company which has to run on five vehicles in the service area, only 83 cents per day and vehicle. לא תמיד רבה של צפת. Traffic, POI, staff, vehicles, customer data companies, which use commercial vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes, need a simple, streamlined solution, as she brings the Bornemann AG with InFLEET monitor on the market. Not only because it is less expensive, but because you can compact represent that information, evaluate, and analyze, for a fleet of this size are relevant. InFLEET monitor optimized and documented daily operational planning and this includes the current traffic situation.